Working on the design of an eRead BA module "Teaching reading digitally" is in full swing.
The partners of Erasmus+ eRead project from Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine met online on December 22, 2023 to elaborate the BA module details. Moderated by the manager of Slovenia team Sonja Rutar, they discussed together the module principles, content and ways to organize and represent it.
The national teams' experience in teaching reading and the latest publications analyzed previously within the project came in handy, as they contributed not only to the general vision of what and how to teach, but also facilitated the chosen topics and methods' relevance and actuality.
Besides, the conversation concentrated on the national traditions and standards of teaching reading in partner countries, which will account for some differences in the module implementation in partner HEIs. Still, the general outline was refined and agreed on to be further localized and completed by the national teams.
In the final part of the lively discussion, its participants decided on the aspects of the module to improvement, and the date of the next meeting in January to finalize the module.
The partners wished each other happy upcoming holidays and productive cooperation next year!